Well that didn't take long now did it lol. I'm finished reading "Twilight" eager to see the movie and thirsty for more to come...Tomorrow I will be buying the rest of the books so I can go on with out inturruption! I can't wait. A book hasn't made me feel like this in a very long time. I felt completely addicted and consumed by Edward and Bella, hoping for more, not being able to rest until I've read the last page with high anticipation for what is to come.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday, Monday
Well it's here...Monday that is. Surprisingly enough after going to bed probably well past midnight I got up at 7:30 and just couldn't go back to bed :( So here I now sit at 8:49 am trying to get motivated to showe and get ready for the day. Mark took the boys to school, Miss Elora doesn't have school and is sleeping, and I'm dying to go get my new book! That's right I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I can see why people were so angry when the movie came out. The movie twists who said what a little bit and leads us to believe Neville's parents are dead when in fact they weren't. But anyhow I can start book 6 (Half blood prince) now. But I wanted to get the book Twilight and read that first...So that is my goal today is to get that book and start in on it! Can't wait.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Saturday October 11th 2008
So here I sit on a Saturday evening, listening to the sound of the movie "the Magic School bus: Human Bodies" on the boys bedroom TV wondering to myself "why is it so loud??" so I get up and make sure they are all tucked into bed, kiss them good night, and close the door I sit here thinking of all the things that didn't get done, that should of got done, and just reflect that it really isn't that important. It is just stuff that will always be there to be done anyhow.
I think we really need to take time out of our busy lives and just be greatful for all the things we have. I am greatful for healthy, beautiful, smart children whom I adore with all my heart, body, and soul. I'm greatful for a loving, caring, husband who is a wonderful Father to our children. He provides for us in not only the material sense but the emotional sense as well. Even though I may sometimes feel not so lovingly towards him it will never mean I don't love him. I'm greatful that he is MINE to fight with and to make up with. Out of all the things that could of gone wrong this relationship everyone was sure to think it would fail. We have been married 9 yrs. Not in a single one of those years has there been cheating, physical abuse, or verbal abuse. Sure we have had our fights but hello did you not see the 9 yrs part! I am still IN love with him and it grows stronger every single day.
I look at where our lives have taken us and it hasn't been easy but we always make it through it.
It's hard being away from all our family and most of our friends. All my childhood friends are still in Cali and all his childhood friends are still in AR. We've made great friends along the way.
Today the boys went to the Youth Center and had a good time. We went to the Army,Navy, outdoors store and picked up a few more Cubscout things...they run low quickly so it might be a while before we have everything we need...Caleb got his first badge last week and was soooooooo proud. Andrew should be getting his first badge this week since he didn't have a meeting last week.
Well I just felt like blogging away. Hope everyone has a good night.
Christmas plans in the making
I am not sure what is going on right this minuet but there are talks of us spending our Christmas break up in Dermott AR...
Apparently Mark had talked to his grandfather (father figure) and he was crying cause he wasn't sure if he could make it to see the kids ever again. He realizes he is getting sicker as the season's go by and isn't going to make it much longer. This of course has left a guilt trip on Mark unintentially and he brought up going to AR to see them for Christmas. But with getting use to less pay, all the activities, and of course Holidays we have to talk and plan NOW or else it won't happen. This week I'm going to start putting a few things on layaway for christmas just incase we do go up there. Mark would have to talk to his chief and tell her the circumstances and alter his leave period some. I'm not quite sure how I feel about this cause I'm sure if we go up there his Mom (insert eye roll here) and his sister and her "family" will go too and visit and I'm really not ready to be in their presence with out pumulling somone nearly to death and letting them know what douch bags I think they are. BLAH. I will update more on this later I'm sure.
I'm so excited I started finally making time to read books for ME. It has been a long time since I picked out a book I wanted to read and sat down and spent an hour or two engrossed in the fictional lives of others. Currently I'm reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I know it sounds silly that a 29 yr old woman is reading Harry Potter but you know I'm a kid at heart and of course the books are always much better and detailed than the movie. The Harry Potter series is something I enjoy with my children and I've read them all up until this book which I'm actually proud of LMFAO. Although I'm almost done (couple more days worth of reading) with the order of the phoenix I want to take a break from the series and venture into the first book of the Vampire series Twilight! I had been wanting to read the book before I heard of the movie and for the first time seen the movie trailer today. So my goal is to read the entire 1st book before the movie comes out and then read Harry Potter and the half blood prince and finish that of course before the movie comes out lol.
I wish everyone found more time to read. I've found it extremely relaxing, especially on a rainy day like today to curl up on the sofa with a blanket, drink, snack, and get lost in a book. We've started having reading sessions for all the kids through out the day on the weekened and then they read for an hour before lights out for bed which has been working very well and haven't as many nightmares from the little princess at night which makes for much better sleeping for everyone! It is also weaning them off the tv at night for a source of light which they haven't really complained about. Well off to finish my book (with any luck today will be the day).
Happy reading everyone!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Just Rambling
So this week has been the typical busy week in our household. It all really started last weekend on Friday when the boys found out through some friends about "Star Wars" night at the Youth Center. We got them signed up and dropped them off from 7 pm until 11 pm and they had an absolute BLAST! Mark and I were so excited for them. We took Elora out and did a little shopping at Kmart since we needed some more out door power cords cause I got to do my Halloween decorating early that day. I found Andrew his Halloween costume which thankfully this year is the only one I had to buy. *YAY ME* We then proceeded to take her to get some ice cream and walk around a little bit. We picked up the boys at 11 pm and they were so excited showing us their paper light sabers and all the treats they got and talking about their laser tag and all that. They loved it. So Saturday we let them go to the youth center again for Open recreational services and again they had a great time. Sunday I had signed up to volunteer at the consignment sale and worked a 3 hour shift which seemed to go by sooooooo slowly lol. I felt a bit pointless being there really. But I did sign up to volunteer and it would of been rude not to go. So did that and that was the end to that weekend. Monday went and picked up my check from the consignment sale and my items and hung out with a friend for a little bit before Elora had to get out of school. Now why does pre-school seriously have to end at 11:30? UGH. Can't wait for full day lol. This week we had "family" night at the school for a book fair and PTA meeting. We bought the kids each one book they really wanted (since I bought from both scholastic orders previously with in the last month) and the school was serving dinner from Larry's Subs...so we stuck around and ate some and went home and got them all ready for bed. Other wise our week was full of cub scouts and dance.
Mark hasn't mentioned his friend again which I don't know if she has called him or not. She is supposed to be on the road to Oklahoma by now. We hope she got there safely and can move into military housing there. My heart really goes out to her and her daughter.
Caleb had his tiger cub meeting yesterday and earned his first badge. He was really excited about that. Andrew looked a bit disappointed but when it was explained to him that his meeting didn't happen this week he felt better cause he then understood that when the bears meet it will just be them and the weblos.
I'm quite annoyed that the pre-school has different days off than the elementary school. I do understand why though but it is still quite annoying. Elora has columbus day off and the boys have school and then the boys have the 24th off and she has school.
I haven't been stamping much in which feels like forever but in reality it's only been 2 weeks lol. Just haven't really been in the "mood" for it. Nothing good comes when I try to force my creativity out. I decided to sell my gymbucks which is going nicely so far. I've got the bid up to $15.51 and it still has until Sunday to redeem! So that makes me feel somewhat better bout selling them. They really don't have anything that I can't wait for. Starting to become addicted to the damn monopoly game from McD's @@. For the online game I only am missing one of almost each color to win something lol. For the collectible pieces I have one of the $100,000. pieces lol. I other pieces too of course but just one and I need the other 2 lol.
Here are some pics from the past week:
Some of our decorations
Future Jedi Knights
Elora enjoying her new ballerina jammies and showing us some of the moves lol
Thursday, October 2, 2008
We have this sense of false security, not aware of our surroundings, hoping that everything will be alright when you know life can change in an instance. For our friend not only did she have to live through the hatred of it happening to her once but twice and the second time she wasn't the only one involved :( Her life changed again and the life of her daughter altered. A 15 yr old girl who will never be able to forget that very tragic day for the rest of her life, innocence stolen from her by a piece of shit human being who has no regard for human life at all. My stomach twists in knots just thinking about it as I am told what has happened I can't help but get teary eyed and hug my children close. I'm in such pain for them and at the same time thanking our stars that we are safe and made more aware that life changes in the blink of an eye. What we once thought was secure, safe place to be is nothing but a place for broken and stolen realities. My heart goes out to them, aches for them, and mourns the loss of innocence stolen out of malicious intent. In a world filled with such horrible happenings why does it always happen to such good people?
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