Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday, Monday

Well it's here...Monday that is. Surprisingly enough after going to bed probably well past midnight I got up at 7:30 and just couldn't go back to bed :( So here I now sit at 8:49 am trying to get motivated to showe and get ready for the day. Mark took the boys to school, Miss Elora doesn't have school and is sleeping, and I'm dying to go get my new book! That's right I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I can see why people were so angry when the movie came out. The movie twists who said what a little bit and leads us to believe Neville's parents are dead when in fact they weren't. But anyhow I can start book 6 (Half blood prince) now. But I wanted to get the book Twilight and read that first...So that is my goal today is to get that book and start in on it! Can't wait.

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