Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pinterest Tuesday's

Lots of interest has been surrounding pinterest. Lots of notices of being "followed" and "pinned". Now let me just say if I could sit here all day (some days I definitely could) I would be on there pinning away as my heart desires. I'm sure you are all just so fascinated with my pins- I know truly some of you are. So I've decided Tuesday's are going to be my Pinterest finds fun day!

Today's Pins were mostly Valentines Pins. We all know it's coming. It's been peeking around isles & corners since December, just waiting for that Christmas Cheer to disappear so it can peek it's head out and say "I'm HERE"!!!

Valentines Day

Now being blessed with creative juices but not always sure what to do with my time I turn to Pinterest to occupy me and fill my head with "I'm soooooo going to do that" thoughts. But these are truly some I want to do!

Pin #1:


Isn't this the cutest idea ever!! I so think I am going to whip up some of these for Elora's class, instead of buying teeth rotting candy we are going to make silly colored heart crayons!!

This was courtesy of :http://thelongthread.com/?p=5646

Pin #2:

This is a neat idea as well!
This was courtesy of :http://icandyhandmade.blogspot.com/

Pin #3:

This was courtesy of: http://www2.fiskars.com/Activities/Crafting/Project-Gallery/Holidays-and-Seasonal/Hand-Crafted-Valentines
Another very cute ideas. No time for more pin posts but happy pinning everyone!

Much Love, Hugs, & Smooches!

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