Saturday, March 28, 2009

Another Saturday

So I am sitting in my florida room, one of my new favorite places to be with the netbook, I love it in here just cause the breeze is just right, the lighting is nice, and I can hear the birds sing, the wind blow, tree's move, squirrels running around. It is nice especially for spring here in Florida. In Norfolk I wouldn't of been able to do this with out smelling dog poop, kids fighting, cars popping, it just seems more peaceful here. Definitely enjoy it more than Virginia although I do miss the Busch Gardens being so close lol.

So, its another Saturday coming and going. They seem to be moving so fast these days. Just whizzing on by. Next Saturday is Mark's 31st birthday. We also have the derby competition for the entire district for Andrew. Not sure if were making dinner or going out. But I will be getting him a cake, and then the kids will make him some cards, and we will hand him his present when he least expects it. LoL. Sure glad he doesn't follow my blog huh!

I also can't believe right after his birthday 5 days after to be exact we will be celebrating our baby's birthday. She is turning 5! Where did the time go??? I have NO idea what happened there. One day she is this beautiful chunky monkey and next she is this tall slender gorgeous soon to be 5 year old ready to take on kindergarten and be more independent!! What is up with that? She has always asserted her Independence from the time she was born but to have her go off to school 8 hours a day is a little depressing and exciting at the same time. It will be strange since I will be home alone and she will be able to go to the youth center. It is like some of my friends put it...the light at the end of the tunnel lol. But in a good way of course. I will miss her a something terrible like I do the boys but I will be excited for them all to come home!

Okay anyways now that Ive gotten all my mushy stuff out...or have I? LoL. I am eagerly awaiting for the arrival of the gorjuss girl stamps my friend and I purchased. I need to get back to making and restocking my cards. Not sure if I am going to continue doing stamping up anymore...they haven't inspired me in a long time. I might get the rest of my newer ink pads and call it a day. There are so many other companies that produce stamps that make me want them and think of ideas beyond protocol.

Since the day looks sort of nice and maybe Mark will be home early enough to attempt going to the zoo. It is supposed to have a 30% chance of rain today but I dunno. Here you can never tell if the weather is going to turn as quick as you turn your head. Especially living on the beach the clouds roll in and out quite frequently. Well time to go play with the kids some. Have a nice Saturday.

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